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    Our security is in danger because of military killings – Nunoo Mensah

    Brigadier General Nunoo Mensah, a former National Security advisor, has raised alarms, labeling the continuous killings of civilians by the military as a growing security threat.

    His comments come in the wake of an incident the military has termed a “neutralization” operation involving individuals engaged in gunfire.

    This encounter resulted in the deaths of three Bawku residents, escalating tensions in the area already dealing with renewed chieftaincy conflicts.

    The incident, which took place on the night of January 18, 2024, led to the unfortunate demise of three individuals. The military, assigned to maintain peace amidst the chieftaincy conflict, asserted that the deaths occurred during an exchange of gunfire at Sabon­gari around 8:30 pm. According to the military, officers on night foot patrols near Hasania School were attacked by four gunmen, prompting a defensive response.

    However, this version contradicts reports that emerged on January 19, 2024, suggesting that soldiers were responsible for the killing of three residents on the previous night. Despite these claims, the military has denied any involvement in the deaths, maintaining that their actions were in response to a direct threat. Brigadier General Nunoo Mensah’s statement underscores the need for a thorough investigation into the incidents and a reevaluation of the military’s approach to maintaining peace in the region.

    “It is worth mentioning that at about 2030 hrs same day, own troops conducting night foot patrols around Hasania School at Sabongari were fired upon by 4 gunmen. The troops returned fire spontaneously neutralizing 3 of the assailants. The fourth suspect managed to escape,” the statement said.

    The Armed Forces further stated in its release that “It is instructive to note that directly engaging the military is a development that could result in fatal consequences; as troops will spare no opportunity to defend themselves as well as protect residents of Bawku. Therefore, factions in the Bawku conflict are cautioned against drawing the military into direct armed confrontation while efforts are undertaken to resolve the current impasse.”

    In an exclusive interview with TV3’s Beatrice Adu, Brigadier General Nunoo Mensah, a former Chief of Defence Staff, attributed the recent killings to indiscipline within the military. He expressed the view that such indiscipline stems from the fact that military personnel are recruited from what he termed as “a rotten society.”

    “If Ghana is rotten, the military will be; that rot will also infect the military…. The individuals we are recruiting into the army come from the public. What do you expect?” he questioned.

    When questioned about whether Ghana was moving closer to that scenario, the former security advisor commented that the signs are already evident within our communities.


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