• Business

    Henry Osei Akoto provides ‘evidence’ that ‘dumsor’ is back

    One of the leading members of the NDC, Henry Osei Akoto, has provided a video of what he says is a classic example of the re-emergence of the erratic power supply in the country, commonly known as ‘dumsor.’

    In the video, which the former National Democratic Congress parliamentary aspirant for Oforikrom shared online, he showed how he had visited a popular market area in Kumasi and seen many shops with generators.

    Osei Akoto’s visit to Adum, Kumasi, as he stated in the video, is to confirm that indeed, dumsor had returned.

    “They say there is no dumsor but we said dumsor was back but they refused to accept it. I’m at Adum-Kumasi and it is disturbing.

    “All these companies have generators… come and see for yourself… if they say we don’t have dumsor, it’s up to them,” he said.

    It is without a doubt that in the last few months, Ghana has been going through unexplained power outages at peak hours.

    This, however, is without any official timetable from the power distributor, the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG).

    Some government officials have stated that what is happening within the power sector is not dumsor, but rather ‘dum-sie-sie.’

    See Henry Akoto Osei’s video ‘evidence’ below:



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