• Politics

    Former NDC Executive Calls on EC To Disqualify Mahama over lies

    A former executive of the Tema East constituency branch of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) is requesting that the Electoral Commission blacklist the 2024 flagbearer of his party, former president John Mahama.

    According to Stephen Ashitey Adjei, alias Moshake, Mr. Mahama has made himself unfit for the highest office of the land due to habitual lying.

    “The presidency is the highest office of the land and should be occupied only by persons who are above all reproach; I’m afraid to say that Mr. John Mahama has no integrity left, after habitually lying for so long,” Moshake wrote in a statement.

    He adds that, “I therefore make this very special request that the Electoral Commission removes him from the 2024 ballot and subsequently, ban him forever from contesting for the high office of president of the republic of Ghana.”

    Infering from the recent passage of the anti-gay Bill, Moshake said the thinking behind it is that homosexuality and lesbianism are alien to Ghanaian culture. “In the same way, lying is frowned upon in the Ghanaian culture,” he wrote.

    The statement which was posted on social media on Monday has since been trending virally.

    It follows an earlier accusation by Moshake that Mr. John Mahama pretended his way to the 2024 presidential ticket of his party, the NDC.

    According to Moshake, Mr. Mahama’s announcement, after the 2016 election defeat, that he was quitting politics and his subsequent recant return to the fray was, “the most glaring trait that showed that the man had no integrity left.”

    “What is even more disappointing was the way he went about his agenda to return to the leadership of the NDC by using people in the party to front the whole thing”

    “When it got to time for us to elect a new flagbearer for the 2020 elections, his hirelings began creating the impression that the NDC needed Mahama back. It was all planned,” Moshake added.

    Earlier, Moshake had called out Mr. Mahama over the lies that Ghana is the most indebted country in the world, and also the claim that Ghanaian High School students write a substandard version of the West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASCE).

    According to him, for someone who wants to occupy the highest office of the land, Mahama’s behaviour was very troubling.

    “It tells you that you cannot trust him to exercise integrity as president.”

    But within the NDC, Mahama also went about lying to multiple persons that he would make them his running mates, in the end swerving everybody to pick the woman.

    “This April-fool monkey trick has become the source of deep distrust for him within the NDC,” Moshake wrote.

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