• Politics

    Bawumia’s Victory Is a Foregone Conclusion - Tema MCE

    The Tema Metropolitan Chief Executive, Yohane Amarh Ashitey, has declared that the victory of Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia is a foregone conclusion.

    In a statement he published on social media, he explained that this is so because Dr. Bawumia has established himself in the hearts of Ghanaians already and that his opponents’ attempts to counter this keep failing.

    “The latest lame move by Dr. Bawumia’s opponents is to claim that dumsor has returned, but as President Nana Akufo-Addo has said, “dumsor” has been banished,” Yohane Amarh Ashitey wrote.

    According to him, the recent power outages were just the manifestation of distribution challenges that the Electricity Company of Ghana was encountering.

    “But we are almost through with solving these challenges and once they are done, we will see if there is anything that any of his opponents can use against him again?” the MCE asked.

    Before his election as the 2024 flagbearer of the NPP, Dr. Bawumia had enjoyed wide public appeal as the next man to govern Ghana after the term of President Nana Akufo-Addo.

    However, by the time he would be elected the Flagbearer, the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the Russian/Ukraine war, leading to global economic challenges that struck Ghana hard would be resolved.

    These incidents resulted in a dip in his public appeal and as a result the NDC’s John Mahama became a bit popular.

    However, immediately Dr. Bawumia outlined his vision for the country, a 24-hour economy vision that former President Mahama had outlined began to fade into obscurity.

    “Today, Bawumia has resurged into the frontlines of the public’s estimation because clearly, his outlook and policy crafts are far superior than that of Mr. John Mahama, the Tema MCE wrote.

    Hon. Amarh-Ashitey said, the resurgence of Dr. Bawumia’s popularity in spite of the difficulties that COVID and the Russia/Ukraine war created shows that people have deeply accepted him as the next leader.

    “Dr. Bawumia’s victory in the next election is a foregone conclusion; all we are waiting to do is to confirm it at the next elections, I would want to commend Ghanaians for their patience and decision to make our brilliant Vice President Bawumia the next President of the Republic of Ghana.

    I would also want to commend President Akufo Addo and the NPP for promoting the interest of the poor masses. Akpℇ!” Yohane Amarh Ashitey wrote.

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