• Business

    First consignment of affordable fuel expected to arrive next week – Mireku Duker

    Petroleum consumers eagerly awaiting the arrival of affordable fuel from the United Arab Emirates would have to wait a bit longer.

    Despite assurances by the Deputy Energy Minister, Andrew Egyapa Mercer that the initial consignment will arrive this week, the Deputy Lands and Natural Resources Minister, Mireku Duker has pushed the arrival date a week farther.

    Mr. Duker said this after a meeting with the Chamber of Mines on Tuesday at which the Gold for oil deal was discussed.

    Answering a question by journalists on when the first consignment is expected to arrive in the country, he said “we are thinking of next week if I’m not exaggerating .”

    The volume of the low cost fuel he noted is yet to be determined.

    This cheaper fuel is under the new policy dubbed Oil for Gold which will see government acquire petroleum products using the nation’s gold as payment.

    This is geared at minimising the pressure on the Ghana cedi as well as ensuring the sale of affordable fuel at the various pumps.

    Deputy Energy Minister, Andrew Egyapa Mercer had earlier told JoyNews in an interview that the first consignment of the fuel could arrive “on the 10th, 11th and 12th of January.”

    He said the necessary agreement had already been completed for the arrival of the fuel.

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