• Politics

    Mahama shows his true NPP colours - Moshake

    A former executive of the Tema East branch of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Stephen Ashitey Adjei, has accused former president John Mahama of being a New Patriotic Party (NPP) third columnist in the NDC.

    In his latest write-up, Mr. Ashitey Adjei, who is popularly called Moshake, chronicles a number of times that Mr. Mahama has pandered to the side of the NPP during a hotly debated national issue that affects the political fortunes of the NDC.

    “Whenever there is a serious public debate on an issue of importance or a crucial political resonance, John Mahama somehow gravitates towards a position that supports the position of the NPP,” Moshake wrote.

    He cited for example that, “in the matter of the controversial creation of the new regions by the Akufo-Addo government which deliberately separated the Oti Region from our stronghold, Volta, Mr. Mahama declared his support for it when the NDC, especially via its media, was highlighting the dangerous ethnocentrism in the deliberate carve of Oti out of Volta.”

    Indeed during that time, Mr. Mahama told journalists that he was supportive of the agenda because he himself, as president in 2016 had promised to do so in his next government. 

    According to Moshake, “This position by Mahama made the NDC and its media look like a confused bunch.”

    The former Tema East executive again cited the brouhaha that arose during the Akufo-Addo government’s move to pass the controversial electronic transfer levy, aka, e-levy.

    “When our MPs were fighting tooth and nail in Parliament against it and our support base was vocally opposing it, John Mahama opened his house out to Gabby Asare Otchere Darko to come and convince him to tell our MPs to let e-levy pass,” Moshake wrote.

    He questions, “What is it about Mr. Mahama that whenever there is a serious national debate on a political issue, somehow, he panders to the NPP and or its aficionados?”

    “Mahama’s government abandoned NDC press and lavished adverts on the NPP’s Daily Guide and how as President, Mahama snubbed NDC members and gave juicy positions to none NDC members, including Alhassan Azongo, a minster under the Kufuor’s NPP government and Nayong Billy-Joe, of PNC, who was made Minister of Fisheries and Aqua Culture Development. 

    "The juicy contract that president Mahama gave to the NPP’s Brian Acheampong whiles NDC executives from the branch level to the regional or national levels wallow in abject poverty was unnecessary because it is an insult to NDC members, the theory of monkey dey work, bamboo dey chop is what happens under John Mahama’s presidency, it makes sense to believe that Mahama is NPP,” Moshake stated.

    Continuing, he further described Mr. Mahama as the "NDC’s confusionist-in-chief".

    At a press last week, Mr. Ashitey Adjei, told journalists and party faithful in attendance that the former President is using his privileged position in the party to either make the party chase its tail or mark time when it should be moving forward.

    “For example, why hasn’t Mr. Mahama communicated his intentions about the 2024 presidential primary; is he running or not? Given that he holds so much sway in the party, his silence unnecessarily stalls the party which ought to be making preparation towards electing its flagbearer by now.”

    According to Moshake, “Mr. Mahama’s silence has left everybody confused and flatfooted the NDC. He is simply too confusionistic.”

    The NDC is said to be gearing up towards electing the party’s flagbearer and parliamentary candidates having successfully completed constituency, regional and national executives elections.

    For the presidential primary, two people - former hardworking and resourceful Finance Minister, Dr. Kwabena Duffuor and former Mayor for Kumasi, Kojo Bonsu, have declared intentions.

    Many people expect former President Mahama to contest again even though constitutionally, he will have only one term in office if he wins to become president a second time.

    “For a party in opposition, we are supposed to be taking steps ahead of the party in power in terms of preparation towards the 2024 elections, however, while everyone else interested in leading the NDC has declared intent, Mr. Mahama has chosen to keep everybody in limbo by not declaring his intent; this is not helpful because it defeats a badly needed single purposed actions,” Moshake said.

    He points out that the current stagnation that the former President is creating, is not the first. 

    “After the 2016 election failure, he and his family declared that he would not run for office again; only to turn up again in the 2018 primary for 2020 flagbearer and declared his intent to contest again.”

    Moshake adds that, “Mr. John Mahama also has the habit of promising multiple people the position of running mate only to swerve them.

    “These confusionist tactics was what drove a wedge between him and our party’s founder, former President Jerry John Rawlings,” Moshake said.

    He called on the NDC to “call Mr. Mahama to order over his confusionist tactics because it holds the party to ransom.” 

    Moshake suggested that Mr. Mahama be impressed upon to make his intentions available so that the party can plan properly.

     “Otherwise, the leadership of our party should prevent him from the primary so that Dr. Kwabena Duffuor can win easily and stay in power for at least 8 years.”

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